Comedian, Actress, & First-ever Latina cast member of Saturday Night Live

MHA mPower Award Winner & Founder of Kick It for a Cause

Professional Skateboarder & Founder of Push Forward

Marvel Comic Series America, & Author of Juliet Takes a Breath

Jed Foundation’s 15th Annual Student Voice of Mental Health


Comedian, Actor, & Host of the
Beautiful/Anonymous Podcast

Founder & President of Inspiring My Generation


Students join together for a virtual experience to:

  • Connect with their peers across the country

  • Hear from engaging speakers to be equipped with practical tools for wellness

  • Increase mental health awareness and advocacy for themselves and their friends

  • Learn about suicide prevention

  • Reduce stigma around mental health


Host a Mind Out Loud Watch Party!

You provide the space, we provide the pizza! 

Host a watch party and provide your students with a virtual experience to connect with peers, hear from well-known speakers, be equipped with practical tools for increasing awareness and advocacy for friends, and reduce the stigma associated with mental health. 

Join the MOL23 Street Team to spread the word about the FREE Annual Student Event. Be equipped with marketing assets, promotional materials, and a sneak peek into what's happening on April 27, 2023 to share with your networks!

Fill out the interest form below, and we will get in contact with you.

Watch Party After Party

Check back to access the event recordings and host a Watch Party After Party with students and staff between May 1, 2023 and May 15, 2023.


Previous Guests of Mind Out Loud


Watch MOL23 Event



About the Event

Mind Out Loud, in partnership with Wellness Together School Mental Health, the Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission, Blue Shield of California, the San Diego County Office of Education, and the California Department of Education, is excited to announce the
3rd Annual FREE virtual event for STUDENTS!

Join students from across the US & around the world guiding the conversation about mental health!



Have Event Questions?

Visit the MOL23 Attendee Guide


 Previous Partners of Wellness Together

Previous Sponsors at WT Events

Use of Likeness:

By attending the 2023 Mind Out Loud event, you acknowledge and agree to grant Wellness Together Inc. the right to record, film, photograph, or capture your likeness at the conference in any media now available or hereafter developed and to distribute, broadcast, use, or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval or payment from you. This grant to Wellness Together includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information, and the right to allow others to use or disseminate the media. If registering for a third party, I agree to inform them of the "Use of Likeness" Policy prior to the event.

The views, business practices, and opinions expressed by these individuals, organizations, and corporations do not necessarily represent those of Mind Out Loud, Wellness Together School Mental Health, or the California Department of Education. Presentations, presenters, and partners are all subject to change at any time for any reason. All keynote presenters will be in-person unless otherwise noted.